Constitution of Carlisle Austin Friars Chess Club

1. Aims of the Club

1) The Club exists to promote the playing, studying, and understanding of chess at all levels amongst its members and to encourage young people to play chess and take part in its activities. The club is a non-profit organisation.

2. Membership

1) Membership shall be open to all, on payment of the set fee to the Treasurer.

2) A player’s membership may be terminated as a result of a simple majority vote at an AGM or EGM. This must be on the agenda for the meeting and notified to all members, who may vote by proxy via the Chairperson.

3. Meeting

1) The club shall meet one evening a week, at a time and venue as decided by an AGM or EGM.
2) Meetings to decide policy may be held from time to time as necessary. All members shall be entitled to attend and vote at such meetings, two weeks notice of which must be given. Items to be voted on must be put on a published agenda.
3) To be quorate, meetings (other than club nights) must be attended by either four members or 10% of the membership, whichever is the larger number. One of those attending must be an elected official of the club.

4. Cumbria Chess Association

1) The club shall be affiliated to Cumbria Chess Association.
2) The rules and constitution of Cumbria Chess Association shall take precedence over those of the club where necessary.

5. The Annual General Meeting (AGM)

1) The club AGM shall take place following the AGM of Cumbria Chess Association and before the start of the chess season.
2) The Secretary must inform all members of an upcoming AGM giving at least two weeks notice of the date, time, and venue of the meeting, together with a copy of the agenda.
3) The agenda must contain the following items:
• Apologies for absence
• Minutes of the last AGM
• Matters arising
• Secretary’s report
• Treasurer’s report
• Membership charges for the coming season
• Entry of a club team or teams in the Cumbria League or any other competition
• Election of officers for the coming season
• Any other business.
4) In addition to the items given in 3), any member may submit a proposal or resolution to the Secretary for inclusion on the agenda.

6. Extraordinary General Meeting

1) An EGM may normally be called for the following reasons:
a) To discuss a motion to expel a member signed by at least one third of the Club’s members;
b) To discuss a motion of no confidence in an officer of the club;
c) To elect an officer of the club where more than one member wishes to fill a vacancy caused by resignation, success of a no confidence motion, or to fill a vacancy left unfilled from the AGM;
d) To decide upon any possible major changes in circumstances between AGMs.

2) The secretary shall give notice of an EGM as for an AGM and should produce a full agenda.

7. Officers of the Club

1) The club shall elect at the AGM the following officers to carry out the responsibilities given below:
a) Chairman
i) Will chair the AGM, EGMs, and meetings to decide policy;
ii) Shall arrange suitable dates and venues for meetings to decide policy;
iii) Shall have the casting vote at meetings should it be required.
b) Secretary
i) Shall keep the constitution up to date if it should be amended at an AGM;
ii) Shall compile and keep a list of members’ names, addresses, and telephone numbers;
iii) Shall take minutes of the AGM, EGMs, and meetings to decide policy;
iv) Shall take steps to inform members of any correspondence of interest to the club.
c) Team and Match Captains
Team Captains are responsible for:
i) The selection of a team of eligible players;
ii) Arranging the date, time and venue of matches according to the rules governing those competitions in which Carlisle Austin Friars Chess Club participates.
In the event that a Team Captain is not a playing member of a particular team, then the Team Captain will designate a member of the team to be Match Captain. Match Captains will be responsible (where appropriate) for such matters as calling the toss, choosing colours, signing off results and liaising with opposing Team or Match Captains regarding any questions regarding the conduct of players or the infringement of rules.
d) Treasurer
i) Shall collect subscriptions and equipment fund contributions;
ii) Shall manage the club’s bank account;
iii) Shall present full accounts to the AGM.
Date 2014