Minutes of 2nd AGM of Austin Friars /Carlisle Chess Club
Held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 4th September 2012 at Carlisle Working Men’s Club.

Present;- George Glover, Bill Hardwick and Bruce Wallace

1 Apologies: Received from Dave Siddall, Ian Mackay, Daniel O’Dowd, Jason Maxwell, Chris Royle and Drew Millar.

2 Chairman’s Address (GG) Brief thanks to BH for handling matters through the season and also for contacting Syd Cassidy to express sympathies on behalf of all of us when his wife died earlier this year.

3 Minutes of the 2011 AGM (number 1) and of the EGM held on 7th March 2012. Both sets of minutes were accepted and approved.

4 Secretary’s Report (BH). It was a difficult season in many ways, having to restart as it were once Syd Cassidy left. However, we seem to have come through it all OK, despite one or two hiccups on the way. The “A” team finished a close second in Division 1 and our C” team won Division 2 North. There were numerous junior achievements both individually and as teams which was highly encouraging. Ian Mackay and Daniel O’Dowd both did well at the British Championships.

Life has been made easier for the club by having had use of the bungalow, for which thanks must go to Austin Friars school and it seems as though this is to continue.

5 Treasurer’s Report (BH) We began last year with a decent cash float, inherited from Austin Friars and Carlisle chess clubs amounting to £428.68. It was difficult at that stage to know at what level we should pitch our subscriptions, as we had no premises costs to concern us. Given the comfortable starting balance we decided to leave the subs unchanged from the previous year but this has led to a shortfall of £69.95. Full copies of the accounts were circulated with the meeting agenda.

Treasurer therefore recommended an increase for this year.

The breakdown of subs for last year (2011/12) was as follows;

          Adults   Juniors
ECF       £13.50   £ 8.50

Cumbria   £ 5.00   £ 1.00

Carlisle  £ 1.50   £ 0.50

This year a number of things will change. As you will be aware from various communications on the matter the ECF are introducing a varying rate of membership (gold, silver, bronze etc). Cumbria membership has increased to £6.00 for adults but remains at £1.00 for juniors. It was proposed that Carlisle membership for this year should rise to £3.00 for adults and £1.00 for juniors. This was voted upon and agreed unanimously.

6 Membership Secretary’s Report (BH) Club membership numbers last year were 15 adults and 7 junior players. We have just been advised that Dave Siddall will be moving away shortly, so very best wishes to him and I am sure that he will be keeping in touch. Otherwise, no other personnel changes are known of at this stage.

7 Website Organiser’s report (JK) No report from John to pass on but a query was raised which he can perhaps clarify for us. John very kindly set up the Cumbria website for us last year but is there also a “Carlisle Chess Club” Website? Some clubs, such as Penrith and Barrow certainly have their own websites. Is it something we need to look at? We really need to store information somewhere, such as AGM minutes, club results and so on.

8 Election of Officers and Team captains:- These matters were dealt with “en bloc” and all appointments were confirmed as before with the Tournament Organiser role still being vacant, but being shared as needs arise. BH already has the Carlisle Rapidplay in hand (although any help would be appreciated) and GG would like to organise the Lightning Tournament shortly before Christmas. He is to contact Tony Baker, who has the buzzer that we use for this competition.

Chairman (GG)

Secretary (BH)

Membership Secretary (BH)

Treasurer (BH)

Tournament Organiser (vacant)

Website Organiser (JK)

Team Captains;- These appointments were again dealt with “en bloc” and confirmed as for last season. Daniel O’Dowd offered to captain the “B” Team but Ian Mackay had already said that he was happy to continue in this role which we confirmed. We would however like Daniel to run the Friars team, as he has expressed a wish to play again in the South Tyne league

“A Team” – (JK)

“B” Team – (IM)

“C” Team – (BH)

“D” Team – (DM)

Austins – (BH)

Friars – (Vacant) – Offered to Daniel O’Dowd

9 Next AGM – Date and venue To be held, probably on a Tuesday evening early in September 2013 – but ONLY if it is felt necessary to have an AGM meeting at all.

10 Any other business – No other matters and the meeting was closed with thanks to all.

Bill Hardwick

4th September 2012